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Growth Services Group (GSG) Municipal Group is requesting information regarding key financial measures for the most recent fiscal year for your city or incorporated village (See Form Below).


This RFI is being sought strictly for gaining information related to city finances and should not be construed as intent, commitment, or promise to acquire services, supplies, or solutions by either GSG Municipal Group or the city or incorporated village. No contract is being sought nor will result from any response to this RFI.


Information submitted in response to this RFI will become the property of GSG Municipal Group and may be used for commercial purposes. GSG Municipal Group will not pay for any information herein requested nor is it liable for any costs incurred by the city.


Please submit responses using the digital form below or print out and mail to 809 Fox Run Moberly, MO 65270.


A response is requested by December 15, 2018. We appreciate your response to this request.


Best regards,

Corey J. Mehaffy
GSG Municipal Group

Contact Information
Key Financial Information

Do not enter numbers with decimal points.
Please round to the nearest dollar. 

Official population from the last decennial census, or most recent census bureau estimate.

Your city’s actual fiscal year

Includes all annual compensation from the last completed fiscal year budget and is as salaries, hourly-rate total compensation, bonuses, overtime, elected official compensation, stipends, deferred compensation, tuition reimbursement and payroll taxes.

Includes all annual fringe benefits from the last completed fiscal year budget and is defined as health, dental, vision, life, disability, etc. insurance, well plans, retirement or pension contributions and other misc. benefits.

This is a subset of Total Payroll. Using the same definition above, include total payroll only for those individuals who are elected (Mayor, Aldermen, Recorder, Collector, City Marshal, Chief of Police, Sheriff, Comptroller, Treasurer, License Collector, Attorney, Etc.)

Includes all annual expenses from the last completed fiscal year budget associated with Parks and Recreation.  Parks and Recreation are self-defined by each municipality but can include parks, swimming pools, golf courses, shooting ranges, skating rinks, etc.

Includes all annual expenses from the last completed fiscal year budget associated with those functions that are within municipal public safety; including, but not limited to; police, fire, courts, ambulance, emergency preparedness, dispatch, code enforcement, building inspection, sanitation, solid waste, recycling, animal control and human shelter functions.

This is a subset of Total Payroll. Using the same definition above, include total payroll only for those individuals who work within the municipal police department; including elected officials, administration, all law enforcement officers, technicians, advocates, SRO, jailers and clerks.

If relevant to your community; includes all revenue collected by this tax/fee during the last completed fiscal year budget.  May include cable television, telephone, internet, utilities, railroad, etc.
Includes the outstanding balance of any loans or bonds that carried a balance at the end of the last completed fiscal year budget.
Includes ALL dollars, in all funds that remained at the end of the last completed fiscal year budget.  This can include dollars remaining in the operating fund, enterprise funds, investment funds, sales tax funds, restricted and unrestricted funds.  This should include ALL cash and cash equivalents on hand at the end of the fiscal year, EXCEPT pension funds and self-insured claims fund balances.
Most Recent City Annual Report
Most Recent City Budget

Mail to 809 Fox Run Moberly, MO 65270 if you don't have these documents in digital format

If you don't receive a "Thanks for Submitting" notice on this page, you might have decimal points in your answers which the form will not accept. 

 Thanks for submitting! 

Includes all dollars SPENT on Capital Improvement projects in the last completed fiscal year budget.

If relevant to your community; includes all revenue collected by this tax during the last completed fiscal year budget.

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